Monday, May 25, 2015


A break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series, action, etc.
A missing part; gap or lacuna:
Any gap or opening.

You’re probably wondering, “What ever happened to that tall blonde that used to write?” If you live close to my mom, you check in and ask her. If you live far away, you just keep clicking the refresh button in hopes that new thoughts will appear on the page. In truth, I took an unplanned hiatus and closed down the World Wide Web to live a real world life.

This is not to say that I didn’t write. In fact, I kept writing and thinking and pondering. But most importantly, I kept living, breathing and navigating my way through the New Year. The winter here was brutal and in many ways I needed a hiatus from it all. I bundled up and I hunkered down. There were not enough dry socks or pots of tea to get through this winter, but somehow we managed.

And then the other night, on my walk home, I noticed that the blossoms were in full bloom, the snow was gone for good and the neighbor’s French windows were open. As I waited for a friend, I peered into their living room. A large farm table was lit with candles and decorated with fresh flowers. All their friends were gathered around the table, passing platters and plates of goodness. They looked so happy. While I couldn’t hear their conversations word for word, I could make out the laughter–the collective sound of friendship and good company. I couldn’t help but wonder what they were talking about. I couldn’t help but wish I could join them around the table. As I sat on my steps and watched, I thought about all the conversations they must be having, the relationships they were in, the hardships they faced, the jobs they had, the hopes and dreams of each person passing plates around and around. I wondered…What was the best part of their day?

I thought back to this amazing film called “The Lives of Others” set in 1984 in East Germany. The Stasi Captain, Gerd Wiesler spies on the playwright Georg Dreyman. Wiesler and his team bug the apartment and set up surveillance equipment in an attic and begin following Dreyman’s every move. Granted, this is an extreme, but it sparks that same curiosity of what happens behind closed doors? What happens beyond the French windows of the apartment across the street? What is their story? Who are they? What do they do? Where were they all winter?

One of the most popular things to do in New York is people watch. There is no shortage of good people watching. I always say that New York is like a giant human exhibition. It is a walking, living and breathing gallery of people from all over the world–every style, every height, size, color, personality, voice, and story. The entrance fee is stamina (having the energy to keep your eyes open and following it all). The show is ongoing. I forget this sometimes, look down and drown it all out.

But then I am reminded again that I am part of this exhibition. Sitting at a bar with my guy, he leaned over and reminded me to look up from my drink saying, “Look at that couple over there. What do you think they are talking about? Where are they from? Where do they live? How long do you think they have been together?” We made up their story. They weren’t that happy. She had moved for him. He was settling. His hand resting on his forehead said it all. He had regrets, even his draft choice. She was fed up, pulling out her phone and scrolling through old screen shots pretending to be busy. They left the bar with their glasses half full.

And I said, “What do you think they would say about us?”
His reply, “We are perfect.”

Of course we are not. Of course this is never true. No one is perfect–not even the dinner party across the street. But we can make-believe. We can dream. We can pretend.

This cup is for open windows, good conversation and fiction. 
Spring is in the air and my hiatus might be over.

New Year

Listen. Do you hear that? It’s the sound of a new year.

Today it snowed–the first dusting of the (new) year. It was that slushy stuff, the kind that drips into the small openings of your jacket, steams up the back of your neck, drenches those few hairs that strayed from your hood and turns your mascara into dark mice under your eyes. Despite my cold and soggy edges I could sense 2015 settling in. It’s like a new friend who you have just met. It’s a familiar stranger. This is a year that we are just getting to know. Hi, nice to meet you.

As I puddled out into the white and grey coldness to meet a friend at one of our secret spots for chai and good company I got to thinking about new years resolutions. Earlier in the week I had been adamant about making a list, forcing friends to ponder what they really wanted to do to make 2015 the best it could be. As per usual, we brainstormed the common humdrum: better eating, more exercise, more sleep. My list felt unsatisfactory. 2014 was a year full of so many rare gems, many of which I didn’t plan for. And so this year I have decided to throw out the list. The only rule that I will take from 2014 is to be ready, be spontaneous and follow my gut. Life is a balance. It is not about frontloading all of the things that we haven’t accomplished or didn’t perfect at the beginning of a new year. I have to ask myself, will getting down on the floor to hold a plank make me a better person in 2015? A happier person? Maybe. Stronger? Sure, if I kept it up. But it is more likely that heading out into the cold to meet a friend will better serve my needs in the short and long term, making me stronger and happier all around.

This year I want to set my standards high. I want to hold out for the best things. I refuse to settle. But don’t confuse these ideals with “resolutions”–these are not resolutions, these are my rules. This is my lifestyle.

“We were not put here on this earth to barely squeak by and settle for a lukewarm, watered-down version of life, or to live in fear of what other people will think. Our lives can’t rise any higher than our standards. Rise above settling in life or in love. And next time someone tells you your standards are too high, don’t apologize. Tell them, “Thank you.” The standards you set determine the life you get. And those who know their worth don’t even entertain the lesser things. They hold out for the best things.” –Mandy Hale

Get ready 2015! I am not slowing down for anyone.

This cup is for Hannah and Alyssa (because you can keep up with me)

And for Maynard (who sets a standard we should all live up to, year round.)